Tag Archives: art

Plural modernities and art

I’ve published a blog posting on my photography website about plural modernities that may be of interest to readers here too: Modernités plurielles de 1905 à 1970.

The comments facility is turned on there, though not here.

The Naked Soul

Friday, 10.5. lunchtime: Please note that the location for this evening’s event has had to be changed to Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge (map), after one Council department refused permission at the very last minute – and after repeated attempts to contact them – after another two had given the green light.  We have moved the time to 20:00 to allow people to make their way there in good time.  This will be explained more fully this evening.

The Naked Soul is a film by Syd Krochmalny. Ostensibly about Stephen Gough, better known in the UK as the Naked Rambler, the film explores essential questions about freedom and liberal modernity. This is not just a film, however, but a more expansive performance art event. This is suggested by the location of the screening (the Old Calton Cemetery, Edinburgh), and as might be guessed following Krochmalny’s comments at a seminar in Edinburgh recently. At a time when debate in Scotland over questions of freedom and the kind of society we want to live in are at the fore in the context of the independence debate, this event promises to offer some alternative ways of reflecting upon and engaging with key topics. Krochmalny’s artistic background in Argentina gives him insights into these issues that are very relevant to contemporary Scotland, as the seminar discussion demonstrated.

The screening will take place on Friday 10. May at 19:00 – all are most welcome.

Here is Krochmalny’s description of the film (click the image to download a large version of this leaflet):

The Naked Soul, by Syd Krochmalny

The Naked Soul, by Syd Krochmalny

Please share this posting and the leaflet widely – and I look forward to seeing you on Friday!

Visual Cultures in Scotland and Argentina: an interchange

I have been involved in the organising of a seminar by the University of Stirling (Centre for Scottish Studies; Languages and Literature; Social Science) and the University of Edinburgh (Department of Sociology).

The Argentinian artist and scholar Syd Krochmalny will be in dialogue with Simon Yuill, a Scottish artist and writer.

This seminar will bring together artists, academics and interested others from Argentina and Scotland in an exchange around contemporary developments in visual culture. The focus is the relationship of visual art to local communities and broader cultural institutions at a time of uncertainty, debate and change in both countries, in broad terms and specifically in relation to cultural policy.  The seminar is being chaired by Scott Hames and Sarah Wilson from the University of Stirling.

Thursday 25 April, 5-7pm

Seminar Room 3, Chrystal Macmillan Building, 15a George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9LD (just off Middle Meadow Walk)

All are most welcome!

A poster with more details is available to download here (PDF).

Whilst in Scotland, Syd Krochmalny will also be involved in an art installation under the heading The Naked Soul, exploring issues of freedom and control.  I will post more details about this at a later stage.

Update, 27.4.2013 I wrote a short piece about this event on my photography blog.